Doing quality work always pays off. We recently began hiring a printer to make our show bills (posters) with tremendous results. Not only do we get 11x17” full color, glossy photo quality card stock posters from a local vendor (gotta love that supporting the local economy) for less than a buck a piece (kinkwho’s?) But we have found that these beauties are attracting a lot of attention.
Before we did home printed posters and the largest format available was legal size. While our layout and design was above average as flyers go, that is what they were. We had almost no results form them. They were difficult to get rid of (nobody wants your ugly poster in their window) and our people were not excited about finding homes for them.
Now our posters are a valuable asset. They go up in almost any store that can because they are simply beautiful. People are actually walking in our door, hitting our website and calling us because of these posters.
Long story short, they have more than paid for themselves in a very short time. Our old posters were saving us money, we thought, and so we kept on doing what we had always done expecting different results. (which by the way I understand to be the AA definition of insanity) These new posters are not only paying for themselves they are creating a name for our company and attracted attention from another local business man that will make us even more. I’ll share that in my next post.
So, investigate your options, quality very often does not cost that much more, in fact if I factored in my own time and frustration in the old printing process, I probably save money! So take a look at the things you use to promote your work. Without the personal attachment of having done it yourself, are they really getting the job done? Then instead of giving up and continuing on in the same rut, make a few phone calls and see what it takes to fix it.
Before we did home printed posters and the largest format available was legal size. While our layout and design was above average as flyers go, that is what they were. We had almost no results form them. They were difficult to get rid of (nobody wants your ugly poster in their window) and our people were not excited about finding homes for them.
Now our posters are a valuable asset. They go up in almost any store that can because they are simply beautiful. People are actually walking in our door, hitting our website and calling us because of these posters.
Long story short, they have more than paid for themselves in a very short time. Our old posters were saving us money, we thought, and so we kept on doing what we had always done expecting different results. (which by the way I understand to be the AA definition of insanity) These new posters are not only paying for themselves they are creating a name for our company and attracted attention from another local business man that will make us even more. I’ll share that in my next post.
So, investigate your options, quality very often does not cost that much more, in fact if I factored in my own time and frustration in the old printing process, I probably save money! So take a look at the things you use to promote your work. Without the personal attachment of having done it yourself, are they really getting the job done? Then instead of giving up and continuing on in the same rut, make a few phone calls and see what it takes to fix it.