Three rules to run a box office by:
First: The customer is always right. Even when they are wrong, let them know that their concerns are legitimate. Fix it if you can, if you can't then sympathize, but if they are not endangering anyone or causing a scene, do your best to make them want to come back, and hopefully bring friends!
Second: Have a place for everything and everything in its place. Box office is not the place for scatterbrained artistic genious to rule the day. Keep records of everything and have them handy. If you have to hold a curtain for a box office issue,let it be setting up extra chairs to hold overflow, not sorting out the triple sold tickets on the fron row of opening night! Keep plenty of change, extra receipts, pens
and whatever else you might need. Again, you want them to come back.
Third: The show's the thing! Remember why you're here.People come to the theatre to have a good time, not to pick fights with the ticket agent. You are the beginning of a wonderful experience, so try to keep it that way. Who knows, that might be your next big donor or board member!
Want relief from ticketing nightmares? Check out our friends at Ticketstorm.com. This is a local company that is branching out. They provide complete box office support at no cost to you. For providing you with email ticketing, seating chart automation, box office reports, and the ability to accept credit cards with no out of pocket expense, they charge customers who buy direct from them a convenience fee. Box office sales are at no extra charge when processed by you.
Click on the Ticketstorm logo to see for yourself!