Funding a Show on Imagination
If you’re like us here at Dramorama and you balance your check book in red ink, don’t Panic. There are ways to raise the funds you need without donating a kidney, or holding some poor actor for ransom. Here are three proven ways to provide you with production capital.
1. Advertising! You can sell advertising in your program, on your curtain (a vaudeville tradition pictured above) on t-shirts, on your website, or just about anywhere. Find someone to design ads to match the décor of your building or design of your t-shirt etc. One school that we consult with did so well with this they outstripped all other extracurricular funds raising (including the sports program) combined! Here is a link to The Family Theatre Warehouse ad sales page. Feel free to use it as a template or come up with your own design!
2. Charge tuition! Write up a curriculum and turn your theatre into an acting school. Family Theatre Warehouse runs four to six class based productions per year. Make sure that you give students their moneys worth and then some! Find more info on acting schools here (link)
3. Hold a garage sale! We use email to get the word out about important events and help we need on projects. We sent out emails requesting donations of household items and got enough to make over $700 in one Saturday afternoon. Another take on this is to run an ebay or other auction store with more specialized items. Here is an excellent site with information about the ins and outs of internet auctions.
If you’re like us here at Dramorama and you balance your check book in red ink, don’t Panic. There are ways to raise the funds you need without donating a kidney, or holding some poor actor for ransom. Here are three proven ways to provide you with production capital.
1. Advertising! You can sell advertising in your program, on your curtain (a vaudeville tradition pictured above) on t-shirts, on your website, or just about anywhere. Find someone to design ads to match the décor of your building or design of your t-shirt etc. One school that we consult with did so well with this they outstripped all other extracurricular funds raising (including the sports program) combined! Here is a link to The Family Theatre Warehouse ad sales page. Feel free to use it as a template or come up with your own design!
2. Charge tuition! Write up a curriculum and turn your theatre into an acting school. Family Theatre Warehouse runs four to six class based productions per year. Make sure that you give students their moneys worth and then some! Find more info on acting schools here (link)
3. Hold a garage sale! We use email to get the word out about important events and help we need on projects. We sent out emails requesting donations of household items and got enough to make over $700 in one Saturday afternoon. Another take on this is to run an ebay or other auction store with more specialized items. Here is an excellent site with information about the ins and outs of internet auctions.
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